Happy New Year to all that follow me and those who don’t. It’s 2014 and I’m trying to start the new year off with a brand new attitude. I recently read one of the blogs I follow, Lightning Droplets, which she’s taking part of the 500 Words Challenge for 31 Days presented by Jeff Goins over On Goins, Writer.  It’s similar to NaNoWriMo except no novel has to be written unless you want to. It’s more about being diligent in your writing. There’s no thought process In this; you just write. The minimum is 500 words a day. The max, whatever your heart desires.

I’ll admit I was hesitant in this commitment. I am a procrastinator. Yes, I admit it. Admitting is the first step of overcoming your shortfalls. And since I’ve decided to workout,  which started right after Thanksgiving, this is the next challenge. Plus, I need a kick in the butt to stop with the excuses and just sit down and write. I started yesterday and was able to write 576 words with this blog post and 4 poems. I will keep you up to date with my progress. Wish me luck and keep writing.